Wednesday, October 6, 2010

[04394] Respecting Hydrology Science - US Pat. Application 20090035838

<>: host[] said: 550 Administrative prohibition - envelope blocked (in reply to RCPT TO command)

To:; hydrologist@USPTO.GOV;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;

CC: Elson Silva (;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;


Two Embarcadero Center

Eighth Floor

San Francisco CA 94111-3834

Ted Apple, Ph.D.

Partner, Palo Alto

Patent Prosecution & Counseling

Respecting Hydrology Science in the Patenting System

Inventors, Attorneys, and Examiners,

It is ugly violating the IP rights of my ‘scientific discovery in Hydrodynamics’!

But violating it with something that even does not work is very silly.


It can be found on scientific literature about Electrical Conductivity, Thermal Conductivity, and Hydraulic Conductivity, but never Wicking Conductivity!

Lay people behind wicking are taking nothing from me. As matter of fact they are just taking nothing from nobody that must be useless to everybody . . . This last oil spill is giving a cue you on how important advanced Hydrodynamics can be on special occasions.

Simply they have no handle on the Hydrodynamic properties to address the issue. The expression of wick/wicking comes from lay people that never gauged Unsaturated Hydraulic Conductivity, have no idea about Hydraulic Zones, anisotropic unsaturated flow, vertical hydraulic gradient potential, molecular connectivity, self-sustaining reversible flow, molecular drainage, void ratio, pore connectivity, porosity geometry self-cleaning filtering, inertial/rotating energy addiction/subtraction, etc. It is a huge gap waiting to be explored . . .

I suggest you to study and learn Hydrology if you want to file patents that deal with fluidic devices. It is very likely that you are wasting your time and money, distorting the patenting system helping Americans getting rewards for negligence like this oil spill that easily could have been prevented by a sound science - HYDROLOGY. Like the fate of Titanic key people are used to cover up blunders to dissimulate their persistent wrongdoings turning the ship on the wrong direction during a crisis, not halting the cruise to save passengers, and ultimately lying to protect the businesses. Wise people know what is going to prevail and the potential outcome to achieve when honesty, coherence, and respect are embraced.

Down the line it will be verified if the worst oil spill in the US could have been clogged easily in few hours just using high density sinking particles instead of golf balls and shredded tires in a ‘junk shot’. The spilling oil was upward against gravity that pulls things down. Many human catastrophes are associated to poor decision making lacking deeper understanding in the underlying functioning of the critical issue. A century later Titanic outcome is being revealed.

Similarly to the economic meltdown the patenting system has been driven to blatant distortions allowing multiple filings, blurred vocabulary, and USPTO is even assigning lay examiners on hydrology affairs giving the wrong message that inventions can be reinvented, science can be ignored and simple common knowledge perverted benefiting nobody. Probably USPTO is breaking the Law on Ethical grounds by assigning Patent Examiners to judge a very advanced technical Hydrology having no expertise on the subject; they are not KNOWN IN THE ART. In SCIENCE multiple filing is a clearly unethical cheating while disguised vocabulary is a simple waste missing precision on vocabulary expression. Science is strong on honesty to cohere with nature functioning as well as high vocabulary precision to grab the core of fundamentals. Even worse, wick/wicking is in the patent structure classification but is not in my PhD textbooks meaning that USPTO is out of track with simple common knowledge and long standing scientific literature.

Hydrology Science is being shamefully ignored in the Patenting System with flawed patents that violate common knowledge from scientific literature and issued patents. It seems that sometimes the Patent Examiner (US pat. 7,285,255) violating science and issued patents is a director meaning that lay people handling Hydrology at USPTO is a critical bias going up in the chain of power by people that are overstepping Ethical grounds beyond their due expertise. I was expecting people in the patenting affairs be a kind of smarter and more respectful as NATURE cannot be deceived. This was not a simple mistake by a junior Patent Examiner since Ms. Gladys Corcoran issued 202 patents so far.

Mr. Gregory Moser a Patent Commissioner said that there is a Law stating that the drawing dimensions does not need to represent the real dimensions of the device. I replied saying that I learned in High School about scale that all details are represented in the same proportional ratio and that the scientific flaw of (US pat. 7,285,255) takes places at any scale like parallel lines that never meet each other at any scale employed. I got PhD in Soil Science/Spatial Applied Hydrology with a deep background in Remote Sensing and GIS and now I have my ‘scientific breakthrough’ being violated by lazy patents from people that their background is lower than High School standards. This would be common in Brazil since our mandatory democracy is corrupt and we already accept that our government has problem on efficiency and honesty. But, Americans were considered an advanced society that can develop atomic arsenal and go to the moon. I am sure that there are thousands of Hydrologists in the US to handle Hydrological affairs. Are Americans degrading to the Brazilian level? Brazilians are the best in the world on football (soccer) because there is no Patenting System behind it letting raw talent delivers what people understand and enjoy watching. Football is a human activity that depends neither on government seriousness nor on enlightening education as getting through the opponent fierce barriers with flair requires genuine talent making rare stars shining high with pride. Samba and Carnival fits to the same premises.

There are around 26,000 issued patents by USPTO on wick/wicking which is not in Hydrology scientific literature only used by lay people missing a broader and deeper understanding in the field of the art. The phenomenon was addressed as Unsaturated Hydraulic Conductivity in 1907 by Edgard Buckingham to update Darcy’s Law 1856. US pat. 6,766,817 deployed it to the patenting system just a century after being in the scientific literature. Unsaturated Hydraulic Conductivity measures volume/area/time within Unsaturated Hydraulic Zone with vertical gradient that addresses fluid flow by molecular connectivity allowing self-sustaining and reversible flow between the Hydraulic Zones responding to Hydraulic gradients. Also, I designed an enhanced micro geometry for porosity dubbed Tubarc (tube + arc) just to replace capillarity which has limitations due to the tube theory constrictions harming fundamentals of Unsaturated Hydraulic Flow. Tubarc principles also take into account restrained human capability to handle tiny dimensions of atoms and a need to organize random porosity providing higher control on hydrodynamic properties. Such insights for Tubarc development were borrowed from the biological porosity of Phloem and Xylem structures in the very early beginning of life on a need of multicellular organism to grow and expand its dimension keeping everything inside connected hydrodynamically. So far wicks are just good enough for oil lamps which are dependent on fuel and a flame (Thermodynamics + Hydrodynamics). Wise people are supposed to know that any wick that cannot work as a wick betrays Etymology and fail. Why to claim something that has no bearing? I know, in the US people are used to play football using their hands throwing something that is not even a ball. Science is different requiring vocabulary precision and deep understanding to cohere with nature functioning and long standing accumulated knowledge. Scientists learn about it on technical writing disciplines.

My ‘scientific discovery’ in Hydrodynamics US pat. 6,766,817 is being constantly violated by lay people that has no background in Classical Hydrology. Since 2006 I have been requesting USPTO to hire Hydrogeologists and/or Soil Physicists to examine fluids moving on porosity to comply with long standing Classical Hydrology endorsing common knowledge. I even sent 14 registered letters to Mr. Obama which could be read online on my blog, but people at the White House seem neither read English nor care about Hydrology outcome in the US since I got no reply. This recent oil spill catastrophe is a simple message from nature that better venues should be sought and advanced Hydrology could be missed. Instead of promptly expelling drunken teenagers that curse the president on emails, the staff seems to have other more relevant issues for the country to take care of. Recently USPTO confirmed that there is no Hydrologist as a Patent Examiner. Also, I have never met any Law Firm employing a Hydrologist confirming my suspicion that a huge technological gap is bumping to our noses saying that lay people are covering up a field they have no handle and no idea of their lack of comprehension. It is like kids flying kites trying to create airplanes without going to school.

The importance of respecting Science avoiding lay people overtake advanced science is that society is better served with significant edge for the technological advancement sometimes critical on special circumstances. The oil spill at the Gulf of Mexico could have been stopped in the very early beginning if Hydrologists were in charge of Hydrological affairs. Only lay people would employ ‘Junk Shot’ using golf balls and shredded tires to clog a well. The oil was spilling through a well lumen 4.5 km deep in the seabed with an upward flow against gravity and it could have been easily clogged using simple conceptions of Soil Erosion and Conservation which teaches about detachment, transport, and deposition of particles in a dynamic flow. So, the ‘Junk Shot’ was supposed to employ high density sinking format particles that could go down by gravity against an upward bubbling flow moving at about 2 to 3 cm/s. The spilling well could have been clogged in few hours but it lasted 87 days leaking nearly 5 million barrels of crude to the main American basket of sea food, not only harming businesses, but also annihilating wildlife and jeopardizing a stable livelihood for many trusting their leader. It seems that the worst oil spill in the US was a simple consequence of ignoring Hydrology.

Americans are confused about honesty and leadership. Why to ignore science and let lay people spoil a system that should comply with fundamental of nature functioning? The basic conditions to clog the spilling well using high density appropriate sinking format particles could have been tested and demonstrated in advance to developing assurance of expected results since gravity never fails on its principles. Because of such misdeeds BP now lost 70% of its stock value and the chances of recovering is murky as trust was deeply harmed.

Mr. Obama is clearly losing track of his leadership like providing models that respect science and simple coherence on nature balance. For example, he assigned Dr. Regina Benjamin a near obese lady 42 lbs overweight as General Surgeon insinuating that staff in the health affairs does not need to adopt healthy lifestyles while he assigned his wife leading a campaign against obesity to convince young Americans on the importance of adopting healthy lifestyles. Today Americans are around 33% obese to reach 85% by 2040 if the trend continues according to some studies. His message is that lay people can do the job while expert professionals can be ignored blatantly. I have master in Nutrition and I ran two half-marathons during my PhD in Soil Science at Penn State University. Just for curiosity my best time was 1h26min. Even Bill Clinton was the speecher of my commencement on May 10, 1996 pretending that the government would be responsible in the makeup of American dream that day by day becomes a nightmare.

This outcome is really funny! President Bill Clinton said on my PhD commencement in his first speech for reelection that I was receiving the highest education that American institutions can offer their citizens and that we would be creating new technologies and jobs never imagined. My breakthrough in Hydrology cancels around 50,000 patents by becoming obsolete and opens room for another 200,000 new ones. But, USPTO is allowing flawed patents that do not work violating Classical Hydrology and IP rights that even being highly complex Obama’s daughters Malia and Sasha could carry out such simple experiments which Ms. Gladys Corcoran a Director at USPTO is missing in her Hydrological background issuing (US pat. 7,285,255) that Fig. 2 does not work because the ‘wick’ simply does not cross the water table reference. The point is everybody associated to this issued patent is lay people in Hydrology having no understanding what is in the scientific literature, ignoring common knowledge easy of verification.

Pursuing A Scientific Discovery 059 Tubarc II

201 Tubarc - Enjoying my 50th Birthday with Hangups

Considering that Americans erased more than 10 million jobs recently and that the worst oil spill in the US could have been clogged in the very early beginning employing a classical and sound science – Hydrology. I do not know where the logic is letting lay people prevail since Hydrology is neither going away nor vanishing from human knowledge. Someday they will have to swallow Hydrology and may realize down the line how stupid it can be taking so long to respect a science that is one of the oldest in the human knowledge that started with Egyptian and Mesopotamian Irrigation to develop agriculture some millennia ago. There are thousand of Hydrologists expecting such outcome to take place so they are allowed to do what they can do.

Neurogenesis is a new theory stating that intensive body exercise triggers cell division of neurons by higher blood flow making people smarter with more memory and cognitive senses at hypothalamus. Scientists are saying that by doing body fitness people improve their brain performance. Perhaps, the reality is the opposite because modern life brings plenty of machinery to foster a sedentary lifestyle making people not only obese by packing extra energy but also getting dumber for not being in good shape. If Americans get 85% obese by 2040, their reduced neurogenesis will make them less intelligent and grumpy to understand and face this outcome. When I see PhD scientists overweight or obese I try to understand what the purpose of their high education is if not used for their own good and why to expect better from laypeople that were not enlightened by an educational process. Is the education meant to bring just higher income and nothing else?

I think that government negligence leading toward this environmental catastrophe is a good reason to argue on the importance of respecting science because such outcome can always get worse and bring more and more and more consequences harming the functioning of society.

My Demand to USPTO

It is not that hard to argue at the Court of the Law that Hydrological issues should be examined by Hydrologists. My demand to USPTO is the same as the first letter sent on Oct. 2006:

1. Hire Examiners with background in Hydrogeology and/or Soil Physics so that they have full comprehension of fluids moving on porosity;

2. Cancel issued patents with scientific flaws. Obsolete patents are cancelled naturally by becoming outdated;

3. Make a public statement about Hydrology negligence hurting all Hydrological community as well as my project that needs experts in Hydrology to protect the content of my issued claims.

4. Compensate for my losses since as an inventor filing patents I was not expecting lay people handling hydrology in the examination process by USPTO.

5. Since USPTO is failing to protect my IP rights my patents should be eligible for time extension of their expiration dates (new demand).

6. Issue a bill requiring Hydrology be handled by Hydrologists preventing laypeople from harming standing common knowledge in the scientific literature (new demand).

7. Make people accountable for breaking the Law regarding my complaints (new demand).

As a PhD scientist I do understand the functioning of science not minding my project in Hydrology taking longer to take off because some stupid people think that they can deceive the functioning of nature, but this oil spill is saying how naïve they are and how ugly it can turn out.

Nature is in charge as a single misstep can lead to a fall that equally affects everybody even in the White House or in the southern hemisphere.

This negligence to Hydrology will be easy to fix compared to modern life that deploys a new environment plenty of machinery to replace human work and excessive food of poor quality less and less appropriate to our physiology as nature has no economic component in its makeup. Demanding humans to keep working when it is not necessary and closing their mouths when food chases them for profit may take a while till consequences provide the insights of nature functioning as a clear feedback to pursue.

Economic meltdown, oil spill, business wars, country bullying, and ever increasing obesity are strong hints that humans are not that smart as claimed. Perhaps, we just have larger brains to accommodate more room for stupidity – I enjoy peeking at the belly size of high IQ people to infer how much of their brain power is employed on their own good if they are aware on the basic of self-maintenance and the purposes of life. Perhaps their brain power is more likely an erratic event than a blessing, more memory and thinking power but sparing no time to peek at the mirror to understand who they are and the underlying requirements of their own survival. Indeed they will understand that they are just an error from nature delivering outliers.

Nature coherence is so enlightening since rain falls from the sky, recharges and carves the landscape draining back towards the ocean renewing something that cannot be challenged, just because it is the makeup of what we belong to. We have the power to think and we think we are intelligent by developing distorted values about the principles of our own existence. Wild animals that are not intelligent did not develop any urge to hide their genitals, neither spoiling their food, nor getting fat. Indeed always keeping their muscles in good shape so they can run away from predators or catch their meals, surviving in balance like they always did since the beginning of life.

Our cannibal ancestors believed that eating the brain of their competitors would give them more intelligence with a magic power. Deep insights on human uniqueness points out that during our evolution probably we chased and ate our cousins matching with scarce relatives nowadays. For lay people this exceptionality makes us Children of God but there is an underlying gloomy side of human joy for perverting common sense. In the past we did not know while today we just pretend to know it, but those ones to guide have no idea on what to pursue.

Why attorneys, inventors, and examiners want to pursue flawed patents that neither work nor respect common knowledge, even less IP rights?

Sorry, simple ignorance cannot be a plausible excuse in a developed country.

If we are Children of God we must be brats derailing from the principles of our Father.

My message is straight – go and learn about Hydrology to take the best you can on fluidic devices because it has been neglected leaving a huge gap to explore and get new insights that nature endorses.

Honesty is what the world needs in all levels and niches.

China is going to become the world economic leader by 2030 according to the ongoing trend. Their dictatorship has an important edge that should be admired like giving a fast capital punishment to corrupt people that spoils general interest of society. Fat cats would probably get death penalty in China instead of bonuses for erasing 10 million jobs in the US and burning around $40 trillions from the world economy that no government can fix it. It does not require a strong brain power to figure out that this missing money also took a considerable chunk of trust and confidence on a misguiding leadership.

I think that If obesity becomes a problem in China easily the Red Party can impose a mandatory law enforcing fitness in the same fashion that all societies already demand humans to wear clothes even though nature bring us naked at birth like all other species.

As a scientist I endorse a simple conception that God = Nature making life a special miracle. It seems that Nature writes no books and blesses those ones seeking a balance in their existence. A simple misstep is a peculiar remind of what is in charge and the consequences for negligence.

How was life created?

Nobody was there recording it and science explaining the functioning of nature has much more limitations than society is made to believe in. Probably scientists are cheating on the boundaries just to protect a sweet budget pretending to know what they are doing.

There is an ongoing struggle between power and knowledge on human affairs and a simple logic implies that wise people are so knowledgeable and independent becoming unfit to any distorted chain of power.

God blesses America!

Kind regards,

Campinas, October 6, 2010

Elson Silva, PhD

Av. Dr. Julio Soares de Arruda, 838

Parque São Quirino

13088-300 Campinas, SP, Brazil

Phone 55 *19 3256-7265


p.s. This situation is very awkward since two weeks after I notified Ecolab and USPTO about the scientifically flawed patent mentioned above Ecolab filed another one that ended up also issued this time by a different Examiner. I have doubt who is being deceived here, and this oil spill may give a hint on the victims. Perhaps I am just a stupid person warning the steersman he is taking the wrong direction toward the iceberg, or begging the chairman to halt the ship to save the passengers and crew. I feel hopeless suggesting Lightoller to tell the truth about Titanic fate hidden for a century. As a scientist I know about the risk of surviving as well as being lucky and avoid boarding wrong ships prone to sinking. I am aware how humans behave.

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