Saturday, February 22, 2025

New Era of Hydrology on the Principle of Life


– '
A smart way to save our trees in the forests is to let citizens in the urban area to swing on public trees in the parks rescuing reasoning grounded on sound roots from the past.. '
Elson Silva, PhD, 2025.


29 years ago, I got PhD in Soil Science at Penn State University, USA, working with the 

       Hydrology of the Amazon Basin.

27 years ago, I started playing ADVANCED GARDENING, at home on watering flowerpots

       to ease emotional pressure from an INSTITUTIONAL JOB HARASSMENT.

- 24 years ago, I filed my first American patent believing that the system was genuine

       and HONESTY was widespread to honor a 'scientific breakthrough', mainly in the 


21 years ago, my first patent US 6.766,817 was easily issued by USPTO. deploying a

       technical terminology from my PhD textbooks not that common in Patents.

10 years ago, I created a new science Hydrotechnology to explore a huge scientific gap 

       ignoring Hydraulic Conductivity on fluidic devices. defining new Hydrodynamic

       Conceptions based on Advanced Artificial Porosity absent on textbooks.

In 2025 I set the HYDROLOGY  CRADLE TO 70,000 YEARS AGO starting a new Era of

        Hydrology by the principle of life.

- For TWO DECADES the principles of ‘tubarc’ to upgrade capillarity has been confirmed by a

broad and persistent patent infringement cracking down a sort of Reinvention Policy by USPTO neglecting SCIENCE shamefully. This culture degradation is wealthy, obese, sedentary, addict to drugs, vitamins, anti-depressants, electronics, etc. By ignoring science, the US was the leader in human tragedies that lost more citizens to Sars-Cov-2 than all wars combined and is becoming grumpier and dumber on neurogenic effect. So, the American President who recommended Hydroxychloroquine to treat Covid-19 is back pardoning criminals who invaded the US Capitol. How about Presidential Orders to force Americans on HEALTHY LIVESTYLES and HONESTY, mainly on EDUCATIONAL AFFAIRS? China is also waging on DICTARTORSHIP to preserve the culture. Since Freedom of Expression is a business aiming at PROFIT, as peace is too boring for the media developing businesses.



     Setting Now in 2025

 HYDROLOGY CRADLE to 70,000 years ago

         OIL LAMP – An Advanced Fluidic Device Developed for Lighting

"Early humans used shells, hollow rocks or any nonflammable material as a container and in it some moss soaked in animal fat which they would ignite and it would burn with a flame."

This outcome from ADVANCED GARDENING on Self-Watering Systems (water + soil + plant) provides a sturdy reasoning to update the Cradle of Hydrology to 70 thousand of years ago when Special Fluidic Devices, Oil Lamps (fuel + wick + fire) were invented by the Ancient Man making and taming FIRE, triggering indeed the onset of MODERN LIFE. Man was able to make fire about a million of years ago, but ADVANCED HYDROLOGY working on porosities was the keystone to control it, changing from SOLID FUEL of FIREWOOD to LIQUID FUEL mainly OIL or FAT on Oil Lamps, becoming smaller, portable, safer, durable, and more efficient! OIL LAMPS on wicking (UNSATURATED HYDRAULIC FLOW) allowed a broader application of fire from cooking and heating to ample illumination and safe navigation in the dark hours or places. Humans could illuminate caves, homes, castles, temples, pathways, vessels, carriages, lighthouses, public places, etc. The amount of mineral residue in the burning process of firewood is 6 to 10% of ash w/w, or more. depending on the soil contamination. While pure vegetable oil and fats can have ash content near 0%, making oil lamps free of burning residue. OIL LAMP is a practical small fluidic device for lighting requiring just fuel refilling, and easy operations to light up by a flame or spark contact, and to turn off by puffing on, leaving no ember afterwards. Man was conquering darkness after the sunset by employing artificial light from oil lamps, more recently with a glass tube chimney, over land and water, as well as permanent dark environments for dwelling or other reasons like mining.

1 - First Porosity - GEOLOGICAL: It was the first generation of random porosity to appear in Nature by rock weathering making up the granular soils systems starting about two billion of years ago. Most soils are 50% solid material + 50% of air and water.

2 - Second Porosity - BIOLOGICAL: It was the second generation of an organized porosity created by live beings about a billion of years ago as multicellular plants and animals increased in size developing varied mechanisms for internal fluid cycling, giving each cell a continuous logistic interface for chemical exchange building up the required functioning of specialized infrastructure for each species allowing its evolution for survival. Standing plants created phloem and xylem vessels while moving animals needing faster flow rates created varied required pumping systems.

3 - Third Porosity - ARTIFICIAL: It is the third generation of an advanced porosity  combining the functioning of Geological and Biological porosities with human knowledge to derive new Hydrodynamic conceptions of Unsaturated Flow (negative pressure) expanding the boundaries of Hydrology. It is presently feasible by considering a spatial modeling of pore geometry and human limitations to handle matter at molecular level. The pores can be continuously connected longitudinally as a prevailing cylindrical format boosting an enhanced ANISOTROPIC HYDRAULIC FLOW. It addresses new hydrodynamic properties of Unsaturated Hydraulic Conductivity and Kinetic Energy Exchange in the dynamics of continuous mass flow not yet portrayed to human knowledge.

Creating a 'New ScienceHYDROTECHNOLOGY

 as Hydrogeology on Artificial Porosity




Apparently complicated Hydrotechnology can be as simple as demonstrated in few minutes by employing a cup of water and a drying paper hanging in the wall. Something huge on scientific endeavors was well hidden in front of our eyes requiring just a subtle perception for disclosure.

This figure below shows visually the spatial dynamics of continuous water movement in the drying paper. Water moves in response to a hydraulic gradient potential pursuing a balance and guiding new technical frontiers as it portrays new Hydrodynamic conceptions absent on textbooks: 

Hydrotechnology is the science of Hydrogeology working on artificial porosity’ which allows a spatial modeling of pores geometry, revealing new Hydrodynamic conceptions of molecular connectivity for self-sustaining and reversible Unsaturated Hydraulic Flow. The pores can be connected longitudinally as a cylindrical format boosting a more efficient anisotropic hydraulic flow. A flexible artificial porosity arranged in the transition of Saturated and Unsaturated Hydraulic Zones attains self-sustaining reversible properties for fluid supply and/or drainage resulting from the differential hydraulic potential. Hydrotechnology can be expanded even more toward mass flow dynamics when the molecular connectivity affects the performance of kinetic energy exchange. It can take place between inertial and rotating forces of non-partitioning flow on geometric curves and molecular dragging.

Capillarity aims at capturing a contained vertical Hydraulic Unsaturated Flow phenomenon. But, it faces spatial restriction for contention as it is based on the tube theory, becoming unable to represent and make up a porosity system entirelySuch limitations can be reduced and upgraded by tubarc (tube + arc), which allows a constant lateral flow through a continuous lateral opening in the cylinder. In the granular porosity of soils and rocks, the pores are randomly distributed. By tubarc artificial porosity, the pores can be continuous and longitudinally connected having lateral flow by the tubarc geometry. As it can be noticed, tubarc also expands the surface area increasing the attraction of solid phase, consequently resulting in a larger hydrophilic effect.

Oil lamps and self-watering flowerpots are fluidic devices that allow a removal of fluid in the Unsaturated Hydraulic Zone as gaseous form when molecular connectivity in the fluid is interrupted by its evaporation or combustion. Oil lamps use heat from the flame burning fuel while flowerpots use heat in the air feeding regular evapotranspiration rates. A new option to collect fluid from the Unsaturated Hydraulic Zone is by returning the fluid to the Saturated Hydraulic Zone when molecular connectivity is broken by the weight of water molecules crossing downward the Hydraulic Head reference line, from negative (-) to postivie (+). When there is no saturated water below the Hydraulic Head reference in the porosity, the falling water would pull water molecules downward speeding up the Unsaturated Hydraulic Flow, as already shown above.

Unsaturated Hydraulic Flow takes place when tiny amount of water penetrates the pores, on rocks and soil, attracted to the solid porosity strong enough to make the fluid move upward by its adhesion and cohesion properties stronger than the pull of gravity downward. The flow increases by higher attraction in the solid phase, HYDROPHYLLIC EFFECT, and smaller amount of water having lower weight affected by gravity. A simple droplet of water holding under a solid surface would have a vertical chain of up to 12 million molecules giving some insights about hydraulic conductivity when pores are smaller than 100 micrometers and increased solid surface. Osmosis employs a similar approach, as the solute is free in the solution, not held in the solid surfce, but restrained inside a membrane barrier. Manipulating fluids inside live beings, is more practical to handle solutes than attraction of solid surfaces. Inside large plants, Unsaturated Hydraulic Flow helps to move water long distances while Osmosis short distances, giving turgidity when required. Such fluid flow properties can be easily visualized in the hydrology of watermelon and citrus, as well as on coconut fruit. 

Antoine Lavoisier created Modern Chemistry a new science in 1778 by ‘Equal Mass Law Equation’ at a time that communication systems were very rudimentary. Albert Einstein himself did not create a new science. But, we are creating a new science Hydrotechnology due to a technological opportunity. Although the main objective is the alignment of ideas to explore a huge scientific gap ignored more than a century in the functioning of fluidic devicesHydrology.  

Vertical flow in Unsaturated Zone is explained by Classical Hydrogeology taking place in nature: 

In the cup, water in the surface has zero hydraulic pressure (dashed line), also known as Hydraulic Head, becoming Positive Pressure downward as the increasing weight of a vertical column of water within the Zone of Positive Pressure. Water raises in the paper by hydrophilic attraction to the solid surface of porosity reducing gravity force getting an increasing Negative Pressure upward in the Zone of Negative Pressure, technically called Unsaturated Hydraulic Flow.

Although SHF – Saturated Hydraulic Flow (+) is opposite to UHF – Unsaturated Hydraulic Flow (-) in relation to potential pressure, the hydrodynamic properties are independent and asymmetricnon complementary:

1. The SHF has unlimited horizontal movement depending on the length of draining slope. The UHF has radial movement from a point sustained by molecular connectivity of a permanent saturated source. The radial format of expansion in the paper explains a chain of molecular tension from a continuous saturated source. The potential of UHF depends on the amount of attraction force in the solid surface of porosity and weight of water volume hanging in the pores, as associated to the exponential r2 to volume and 2r to perimeter area of the cylinder in the case of longitudinally continuous pores.

2. The SHF can receive pressure increment adding to gravity force in order to increase flow while UHF needs a reduction of gravity force or higher losses by evaporation. It happens as molecules flow in response to attraction of solid surface of porosity making up a negative gradient by overtaking gravity force. Consequently, having lower gravity force or higher losses by evaporation result in larger radial unsaturated flow.

3. Pressure is used to push while suction is employed to pull the hydraulic flow which represents an asymmetric dynamics in the molecular behavior of fluid flow. As analogy it would be like a train bearing many connected cars over the rail which can be pulled and/or pushed. But, without rails it could still be pulled in case there is surface support. This property is relevant to filtering processes by molecular dragging and surface transport of particles by erosive forces by self-cleaning. Pressure on Saturated Hydraulic Flow takes to clogging while Suction by Unsaturated Hydraulic Flow does not clog while molecular connectivity stands in the fluid flow.

4Steady State of SHF and UHF is achieved when there is no hydraulic gradient to let the fluid move downward or upward. Fluid in the UHF can fall if it crossover the Hydraulic Head downward, when molecules in the Negative Hydraulic Zone (-) move to Positive Hydraulic Zone (+) becoming SHF..The falling molecules can attract more water molecules speeding up the UHF.

HYDRAULIC CONDUCTIVITY (volume/area/time, mm3/mm2/s or mm/s flowing by a hydraulic gradient) - Oil lamps take about 15 ml/h of kerosene to feed the flame while an African violet consume about 1 ml/h of water to replace the evapotranspiration ratesThe highest fluid flow gauged on artificial porosity was K = 2.18 mm/s of Unsaturated Hydraulic Conductivity (6,766,817). It could deliver by the unsaturated hydraulic syphon below 16.9 ml/h (K = 0.37 mm/s), or vertically up to 99.6 ml/h at the flow rate of K = 2.18 mm/s

Unsaturated Hydraulic Flow takes place in a porosity system with variable ratios of solid, liquid, and air. The liquid is removed as gas; fuel on oil lamps is removed by burning in the flame, water of self-watering flowerpots is removed by evapotranspiration rates, in a complex system of oil lamps or soil-water-plant, as fluid lost is constantly replaced by the interplay of Saturated to Unsaturated Hydraulic Zones according to a Hydraulic Gradient.

Porosity Modelling becomes tenable by upgrading from granular porosity of Soil Systems to cylindrical fibers of stable plastic cords providing insights for a continuous pore geometry prevailing through the longitudinal direction. Then, revealing new Hydrodynamic conceptions by bending between Hydraulic Zones, Saturated (+) for pressure and Unsaturated (-) for suction. Tubarc (tube + arc) upgrades capillarity on TUBE THEORY, allowing constant lateral flow in the cylindrical feature, complying to the principles of Unsaturated Hydraulic Flow requirementsVARIABLE FREE AIR RATIO AT CONSTANT ATMOSPHERIC PRESSURE.

Advanced Porosity System playing liquid transfer between Hydraulic Zones attains variable molecular dragging with specific performance according to the Hydraulic Gradient as well as the Physical Molecular Properties of solid, liquid, and solute phases. Liquid can be recovered freely in another compartment when it moves DOWNWARD as Unsaturated Hydraulic Flow crossing the water table reference, known as Hydraulic HeadMolecular Connectivity on bonding is different between positive (+) pressure to negative (-) pressure, when water molecules are suspended in a bond reducing gravity attraction.

HYDRODYNAMICS OF LIFE - It is worth mentioning that live beings already mastered the hydrodynamics of fluid cycling employing saturated and unsaturated conditions by developing varied mechanisms of pumping, creating pressure (+) on one side and suction (-) in the other side, in a CIRCULATORY SYSTEM giving each cell unit a permanent and efficient logistic interface for exchange of substances employing molecular dragging, as well as controlling the minimum amount of water required for the whole biological functioning.


How tenable is HYDROTECNOLOGY?

AMERICAN LEADERSHIIP AND INFLUENCE: Considering intellectual property affairs, it is very likely that all patenting systems around the world would have a similar performance.

Running an exploratory analysis about the conductivity parameters at USPTO on issued patents, it can be verified that Hydrology has been neglected more than a century about Hydrodynamics on porosity systems of Fluidic Devices: 

                                                               Mar 19, 2007        Jan 07,2015         Nov 30, 2023

Thermal/Heat Conductivity                      61,033                 100.744                  176.074

Electrical/Electric Conductivity                                             76.949                  139.254

Hydraulic Conductivity                                                                750                     1.329

Unsaturated Hydraulic Conductivity              17                          29                          38

Wick/wicking                                             21,784                    33.577                   66.415

The common apparatus used to demonstrate the phenomenon is the capillary glass tube. The first recorded observation of CAPILLARY ACTION was by Leonardo da Vinci in 1519The long-standing shortcoming of TUBE THEORY is that capillary action can only perform upward vertically opposite to gravity pull. However, it is a perfect setup to describe the spatial hydraulic gradient in the Unsaturated Hydraulic Zone dispalying the arrangement of negative and positive pressure potential according to porosity properties.

Granular porosities started with rock weathering. Cylindrical porosities started with natural fibers on oil lamps which were resistant to high temperatures of flames and to biological degradation on fuel. Paper was invented in China in the 2nd century BCE. Paper towels developed in 1907 absorb water because they are loosely woven, which enables water to travel between the fibers, even against gravity (capillary effect). The first synthetic fiber was developed in the late 1870s when a French engineer Chardonnet working with Louis Pasteur created the first artificial silk of nitrocellulose. Modern fiber technology offers options and insights to develop the concepts for Unsaturated Flow, allowing easier applications.

TUBARC ACTION (US Pat. 6,766,817) allows 'CAPILLARY ACTION' downward radially from the saturated source, reaching the water table within the Unsaturated Zone and delivering an advanced, reversible, and self-sustaining transfer of fluid delivering new Hydrodynamic conceptions by molecular connectivity on dragging properties. 

Tubarc (tube + arc) can be flexible with a prevailing cylindrical geometry bearing continuous lateral flow, maintaining pores connected longitudinally, linking multiple compartments, moving fluid in response to a hydraulic gradient within the Unsaturated Hydraulic Zone by an advanced artificial porosity non affected by the constriction of tube geometry imposed by capillarity

Then, Hydrotechnology as a NEW SCIENCE, after two decades upgrades from a scientific issue to a simple HONESTY OUTCOMEHonest people would reason that wicking and phlogiston are in the same circumstances under a sound scientific approach with a very predictable deadline. Since the time of Giordano Bruno SCIENCE is updated from faith to businesschanging from belief to profit. The Hydraulic Conductivity gap in the issued patents of USPTO is decisive evidence that Hydrology has been neglect on fluidic devices and the conceptions of Unsaturated Flow are not yet fully developed nor are they easily applied according to the scientific literature (Physical and Chemical Hydrogeology, Domenico & Schwartz, John Wiley & Sons, 1990, p. 88). 

On measuring conductivity parameters, we can assume that technically it is easier to gauge fluid motion than heat or electricity. Analyzing patents at USPTO, around 100.000 issued patents addressing capillarity and/or wicking, by ignoring HYDROLOGY can be considered frauded and worthless. When fully explored, patents measuring HYDRAULIC CONDUCTIVITY could reach around 200.000 patents as inventors learn about fluid dynamics on NATURAL POROSITIES of CLASSICAL HYDROLOGY in OLD textbooks.

Longstanding Conspiracy as Cultural Paradigm: Blatantly endorsed by the SCIENTIFIC COMMUNITY over a century, USPTO is running a broad Reinvention Scheme that let Lawyers writing scientific patents and assigning LAY Patent Examiners to allow IP rights of issues they are not known in the art, besides multiple patent applications for REINVENTION, sometimes with fraud, concealed Patent Examiner's educational background to disclose their boundary skills, and SUBTLE DOCTORING, mainly on citations and technical terminology. This SCHISM of science when LAWS of man, overstep LAWS of nature for business suggests an upgrade on SCIENTIFIC PRINCIPLES addressing Nature Functioning. MOTHER NATURE created NO POLITICSno books, no currencies, no borders, no religions, no life after death, no wars or killing in name of a divine, just simple competition for SURVIVAL.

Sars-Cov-2 in the last pandemic showed us how close human existence is taunting from instantaneous annihilation to a continuous gradual degradation, pursuing greed, avarice, and ambition by impairing HONESTY. 

‘...  If you have a point to make about my treatment of hydrological concepts, I ask that you take the time to explain your specific points of disagreement.  I note that my work is better represented in my publications (available at in patents, as the lawyers have been translated the latter into legalese that I do not understand.

FOOD FOR THOUGHT – If an inventor PhD from Harvard working at Cornell University, both from THE IVY LEAGUE can have USPTO issued patents to protect his intellectual property rights, but he does NOT understand it, how much the Patent Attorney and the Patent Examiner knows about the issue granted protection by US Government, by TRANSLATING SCIENCE into a LEGALESE incomprehensible by THE AUTHOR? If it were TRUE, it could mean that LAWYERS know about SCIENCE more than scientists DOAMAZING!I just imagine Albert Einstein getting patents from his scientific papers, It means that those guys in the patenting affairs would handle Theory of Relativity better than him . .. WOW ... Then, Lawyers  should be blamed for the DEPLORABLE TRAGEDIES of the ATOMIC BOMB and incoming  Armageddon!

In CONCLUSION, the backfiring in SCIENCE comes from Lawyers, meddling on issues they have no understanding. Also, it seems that Phylosophy of Science is missing on PhDs background, to honor science and their titles.

If my patent was being violated I had simple questions to pursue:

·   Why my issued patent was being randomly cited for irrelevant patents and ignored when violated blatantly? (It is not hard to read in between the lines, as Nature is very subtle)
·       Was it a casual violation or a clear biased trend?
·       How was the technical badkground of violating patents?
·       Had the examiner already cited my patent earlier?
·       Did the inventors and examiner have technical-scientific background in the issue?
·       Was the violator a wealthy party?
·       Was the examiner citing my patent to be sure he was granting new claims not claimed before?


From: Moulis, Thomas <> 
Date: Fri, Aug 7, 2015 at 12:40 PM 
Subject: RE: Conspiracy and Brainwashing III – USPTO is preaching to their Patent Examiners that they do not need to be known in the art for judging and allowing IP rights when issuing patents! 
To: Elson Silva, PhD <>

You are a fool--- 

If you can’t understand legal or technical writing, you have no business blogging about it 

Wicking” is a term of art---fluid will travel in any direction via the fibers—regardless of gravity


The US Government states that LEGAL WICKING is not technical, being inert to gravity LAW, meaning that LEGAL OIL LAMPS and LEGAL CANDLES can work upsided down. This sort of deceiving is behind the Economic Melting Down of 2008 burning about 41 trillion dollars, also dumping 1,2 million American as the leader of the COVID-19 pandemic catastrophe that  took around 7 million lives world widely. In addition, obesity and sedentarism letting human beings miss brain capacity by becoming grumpier and dumber on neurogenesis effect.

Science is our understanding on nature functioning. Humans learn to respect nature early as babies on the first steps taming gravity for walking and running. Soon we understand the consequences of missteping and falling down. Therefore, all issued patents dealing with wick/wicking are CERTAINLY frauded because PATENT EXAMINERS ignored their homework from the beginning of their lives - GRAVITY

Sir Isaac Newton defined the Law of Universal Gravitation in 1687. He was inspired to formulate his theory of gravitation by watching the fall of an apple from a tree.

Nobel Prize nominations molded SCIENCE into a BUSINESS, creating Peace Prize for disguising and Economics to pretend that Nature endorses currencies. So, dirty money from dynamite helped the richest country in the world grab 2/3 of all Nobel nominationseven violating and neglecting HYDROLOGY SCIENCE more than a century. Etymology of SCIENCE has been biased by power on Scientology for religion, Scientific Police, Political Science. This is the idea that wicked politicians having nature on their side, or a specific God was designed by Mother Nature. Nature Laws require no enforcement, since we learn as babies what happens with our missteps falling down by IGNORING GRAVITY LAW.

THE WICKING MOB has no idea how oil lamps work, or what Hydraulic Conductivity is, even less Unsaturated Hydraulic Flow continuously delivering fuel UPWARD do the flame by NEGATIVE PRESSURE in response to a permanent HYDRAULIC GRADIENT.

Now I am bewildered:       How much scientists KNOW and CARE about SCIENCE for letting this

                                          persist so far???

How long does it take for some rotten apples to contaminate the whole basket?


6 years and 1 day lasted World War II and the total number of people killed range from 50 to 85 million, as more than 2/3 were civilians.

- Light travels at 300.000 km/s, time enough for 7,2 laps/s on earth. Optic fiber on communication employs such technology as internet provides near full access for info to access or deliver by bits.

29 years ago, I got PhD in Soil Science at Penn State University, USA.

27 years ago, I started playing ADVANCED GARDENING.

- 24 years ago, I filed my first American patent believing that the system was genuine.

21 years ago, my first patent 6.766,817 was issued by USPTO deploying CLASSICAL HYDROGEOLOGY to fluidic devices working on ARTIFICIAL POROSITY, as cylindrical continuous flexible pores bearing a permanent lateral flow.

10 years ago, I created a new science Hydrotechnology to cover a scientific gap that was restraining Hydraulic Conductivity on fluidic devices. Since Hydrology, Hydrogeology, and Soil Physics works with NATURAL GRANULAR POROSITY. Another goal was to fix fraud in science as well as upgrade scientific principles important to guide humankind future

- Scientific breakthroughs like Homo nalediHuman Footsteps at White Sands and Amazon Geoglyphs are anthropologic findings having no effect on economy, politics, and academia by just revealing who we are!

- So far, nobody is rejectingaccepting, or discussing Hydrotechnology as a NEW SCIENCE, (not even Hydrologists!) because something SO HUGE AND SO EASY TO VERIFY WAS HIDDEN IN FRONT OF OUR EYES, not in caves, fragile sand or under thick rainforest canopies, easier to digest than the Big Bang, not as expensive as the Large Hadron Colliderjust requiring some extra neurons to perceive how guile NATURE can be - Hydrogeology working on ARTFIICAL POROSITY. Nature is the judge to infer how much the Scientific Community is compromised addressing the functioning of Nature. Spreading obesity, sedentarism, electronic and drug addicition are hints of scientific negligence on modern life hurting human physyology,

Henry Darcy must be disappointed now!

Albert Einstein smoking pipe shows that human perception affords upgrades.

- Time is ticking and revealing new features of human nature. We had to call ourselves as Homo sapiens to pretend to know protecting budgets for science!

Violation of science by the academia is ugly, but children being molested during 15 years in the Penn State Univ. campus facilities with awareness up to the University President, letting profit prevailing over education and children is just unbearable. I was aware that politicians and corporates would cross any boundary for money, but academics were a surprise considering that EDUCATION must preach HONESTY!

I cannot feel proud of what I am doing, since humans were supposed to do it better! I never craved to become famous or even bring forth a new science. My personal agenda is just to deliver positive results whatever is the challenge. I was able to finish in 3h23min a full marathon six months after starting jogging. I am resourceful in the approach, as this reward was my self-confidence and health.

My ‘scientific breakthrough’ deals deeply with Hydrogeology/Soil Physics/Hydrology.

When I took classes at the Pennsylvania State University of such disciplines during my PhD in Soil Science I remember seeing NO SINGLE LAW STUDENT AS CLASSMATE.


Lets make this OUTCOME very 'DEPLORABLE': During 22 years of my entire education, never flunking and getting FOUR DIPLOMAS in AGRICULTURAL SCIENCES, I NEVER EVER HAD ANY LAW STUDENT AS CLASSMATE, NOR EVEN A PEER NEARBY!!!!

So, GOD, have mercy on such lost souls harming our delicate human existence. . . we are supposed to be an intelligent species called Homo sapiens!

Why Lawyers can mess up so far away from their boundary skills? Ignorance? Incompetence?Dishonesty? Greed?  Is there any plausible explanation for it? Let's say that a naive distorted trend took off bringing more and more money bearing an exponential growth till it reached a painful treshhold to shake it down.

As I am just a human not that perfect, a bit stubborn, perhaps Lawyers are aliens from another planet  or dimension. Well, they also can be brainless stupid humans pretending to know and care guiding incompetent GREEDY poticians to a cliff.

It seems that dumb Lawyers want to mess with Gravity Law!

The institution that I got my scientific education more than a decade was molesting children, as the authority who signed my PhD diploma taught that making money is the main principle of education, by ignoring CHILDREN and SCIENCE. Highlighting this trend, the American president speecher of my PhD commencement was dishonoring his office with oral sex, the Patent Office was corrupt profiting on REINVENTION by ignoring old common knowledge rotting in their libraries turning their back to SCIENTIFIC PRINCIPLES, the functioning of NATURE, colluding with a biased scientific community that has no idea what science is all about, leaving a huge gap LASTING A CENTURY for a new science on HYDROLOGY  updating its cradle when man started handling fluids on porosity systems (Hydrogeology on Artificial Porosity updating HYDRODYNAMICS).


'I want to write a book that nobody wants to read it, including myself because the cruel truth is so painful, hurting coherence, reasoning, human values supposed to be genuine synchronized with human existence and MOTHER NATURE.'

The truth is not welcome on a subtle human existence.



“Energy handling by human UPGRADING FROM solid fuel, liquid fuel, gaseous fuel electric fuel feeding electronic approach on binary. Communication is improving by streams of bits, as THERE IS NO ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE, just poor and LOUSY algorithm manipulation on visual and auditory senses tricking what we see or listen to, besides collecting, arranging, and classifying info already yielded from brain work. However, touch, smell, and taste cannot become binary as light and sound are electromagnetic radiation collected by the retina or the eardrum easy to become 0 and 1 bits. Brain performance is variable, but not always gifted ones (intelligent) know how to use such advantages to highlight human existence. Well, HITLER was very intelligent, as dumb people cannot accomplish such enormous atrocitiesHe was not alone, as people blindly follow the trend!  DECIMATING children and women in GAZA far from Washington, D.C. is not done by intelligent people! So, 'AI' can become good or bad depending on the outcome."

The degradation of ‘AI” is that the logical system employed has a specific goal of MANIPULATION FOR PROFITING AS BUSINES, while Human brain works more in synchrony with Nature Functioning as SURVIVAL APPROACH is imprinted to our inherited DNA.

“AI” cannot generate anything by itself without cheating from brain work plenty around, known as human knowledge.

HONESTILY speaking “AI” is just a CHEATING SYSTEM manipulating HUMAN KNOWLEDGE at high speed to deceive human shallow awareness for BUSINESS INTEREST of profiting

Without HUMAN KNOWLEDGE electronic systems do not exist.

The scientist behind E = mc2 was not aware that smoking pipe is harmful

I do believe that Albert Einstein would not be smoking pipes today understanding that the PANDORA BOX goes far beyond ATOMIC WEAPONS, upgrading from instantaneous annihilation to gradual deterioration. It does not require high IQ on brain performance to realize that our lungs were developed on long genetic evolution for O2 and CO2 exchange, as humans are born with a nose and not a chimney.

It is wise to assume that Albert Einstein would not endorse VAPES to harm curious teenagers. He was just a scientist that did not know enough on how subtle NATURE and HUMANS can beAncient slaves on hard work received just food for survival. Modern slaves on gyms get no food and must pay to work hard, running from obesity and sedentarism. but fleeing alcohol, drugs, vapes, and electronic devices require skills yet under development. I would love to discuss homosexuality with anybody that does not have a FATHER and a MOTHER, so I can teach my descendants how NATURE works on their existence.

Einstein was preaching that ‘pure science’ is played by EQUATIONS. Nature does not care about the human quantification systems, Eeven though, Statistics can provide insights about death rates from lung cancer of smokers. I am curious about the mathematical background behind SARS-COV-2 stopping the world and taking around 7 million worldwide lives. For sure, numbers can prove that the DEVELOPED COUNTRIES were the leaders of human tragedies when profit was more relevant than saving livesAmericans started seriously respecting SCIENCE when hospitals got clogged and the increasing death rates required collective nocturnal burials disposing 1.2 million citizens. Brazil had a similar outcome as the vice leader of human losses near 700 thousand victims, a combination of leadership failure and misguidance. The ugly side of Covid-19 consequence was perishing children and young parents.

SCIENCE is just our comprehension of nature functioning, as we learn to respect nature soon as babies taming GRAVITY for walking and running. Falling down is a quick result of NEGLECTING NATURE, besides obesity, sedentarism, and other deviations take longer to realize and achieve ammendments.

'It is wise to be suspicious about departures from nature functioning since consequences may take a while to realize and to implement amendments. Change in our genetic pool is a very complex and unpredictable one, as NATURE established rules of procreation to ensure SURVIVALFERTILITY RATES had not been a meaningless random variable on evolution eyes as there had been a selective process underway.'

Perhaps, ALBERT EINSTEIN was not totally wrong about PURE SCIENCE played by an equation if we change from complex numbers to powerful letters. At his time, his perception was not tuned yet about LUNG CANCER caused by TABAGISM.

Human Salvation = Honesty + Transparency + Patience^n

It does not require many rotten apples to spoil the barrel.’ 

'But, if the apples are unheeded MOTHER NATURE handles the aftermath. . .'


Bill Clinton, President of the US delivering his first speech for reelection said in my PhD commencement at Pennsylvania State University on May 10, 1996, that we were privileged for receiving the best higher education that the US could provide to their citizens. Later he was doing oral sex with Monica Lewinsky in his office. Dr. Abraham Duncan, PhD at Harvard working at Cornell Univ. admitted not understanding his patent issued by USPTO violating mine disclosing new conceptions of Hydrodynamics laying ground for a new science HYDROTECHNOLOGY, deploying Hydrogeology to artificial porosity. Dr. Arlen Soderquist PhD in Chemistry at Utah University, working as Patent Examiner at USPTO said that he could judge Hydrology having no background in the issue, not aware that fluid flow is affected by GRAVITY. THIS scientist phd WAS NOT AWARE THAT HE LEARNED IN HIS TEXTBOOKS ABOUT HEAT CONDUCTIVITY ON THERMODYNAMICS, AS IN MY OLDER TEXTBOOKS I LEARNED ABOUT HYDRAULIC CONDUCTIVITY ON HYDRODYNAMICS, PRINCIPLES ALSO APPLIED TO ELECTRICITY AS ELECTRICAL CONDUCTIVITYMy deceased father, a wise coffee grower with two years of schooling knew that our oil lamps on the farm WOULD NEVER EVER WORK UPSIDED DOWN, as the fuel moved upward requiring refilling once a while. Thomas Moulis a Patent Examiner said that wicking in the patent classification system as the term of the art, fluid will travel in any direction via the fibers—regardless of gravity. The depressing side of this outcome is that boys were raped by Jerry Sandusky more than a decade in the facilities where I got my PhD education with awareness up to the University President Graham Spanier, WHO SIGNED my PhD diploma, saying that the academic community was more concerned on PROFITING than protecting children and SCIENTIFIC FUNCTIONING. Even worse, thousands of children and women have been decimated in Gaza far from Washington, DC by this same Americanism eagerness of CARELESS profitingKeep in mind that NATURE does not care about currencies, borders, and governments. The Lyon King is a fantasy as the pride is run by females and the KING is replaced as soon as his daughters start their reproductive cycle.

They will learn any day why the sun is shining free of charge, as the luggage for eternity is unique for all of us in the nutrient recycling of Mother Nature!

"INDEED, anybody following the Nobel approach today easily ends up vanishing in Guantanamo Bay. Besides, it is far more profitable developing explosives than self-watering flowerpots as wicked power feeds on taking lives instead of preserving them! Hitler was wise enough to have MILLIONS of crooked followers supporting his demiseHitler, Mussolini, Netanyahu, Maduro, Trump, Harris, Lula, Bolsonaro, Putin, etc. have all acted with strong and broad supporters depraving from coherence. 


The press is so distorted that it sells the idea that geeks would find the best solutions to improve humankind. Any person having an advantaged brain is supposed to be aware of that and pursue goals controlling his/her existence also benefiting others on a balance with MOTHER NATURE. Intelligent people do not get obese, have children, employ good diet and fitness, do not smoke or use drugs. Wise people are aware that HONESTY is a perfect EQUATION to save humankind. GRAVITY is so consistent and loyal to all of us, never failing.

I assumed that my old textbooks on HYDROLOGY, HYDROGEOLOGY, and SOIL PHYSICS from my PhD education becoming a scientist would be honored by the patenting system regarding intellectual property in a country that speaks English, leader and wealthiest in the world by a strong and serious SCIENTIFIC COMMUNITY that grabbed TWO-THIRDS of all NOBEL PRIZE NOMINATIONS since Alfred Nobel made his fortune on PATENTS developing WEAPONS OF MASS DESTRUCTION, known as the FATHER OF DYNAMITE. It seems that USPTO became biased by IGNORING HYDROLOGY PRINCIPLES on fluidic devices colluding with the SCIENTIFIC COMMUNITY derailing from SCIENCE FUNCTIONIG.

“EASILY I got issued USPTO patents on porosity devices by employing common knowledge of hydrodynamics from my PhD textbooks in the US. However, I was told by American Patent  Attorneys that

in poor hands SCIENTIFIC BREAKTHROUGH fails in 

the Land of the Free, Home of the Brave - USA!"

Then, I felt so curious and challenged to analyze this obscure overlapping boundaries of 


At my time people started selling their mother, but nobody was delivering their mommy yet! Today, they improved limitlessly even financing GENOCIDE WAR, decimating women and children far from WASHINGTON, DC.

My enquiries:



What AMERICANS would DO for MONEY?

CAN YOU TRADE SCIENCE? Can you bargain, endorse, or reject Laws of Nature?


Can you plunder a SCIENTIFIC BREAKTHROUGH big enough for a NEW SCIENCE if you have trillions of dollars. NSA, CIA, FBI, atomic arsenal to destroy our planet, and a scientific community pretending to do SCIENCE by ignoring HONESTY and TRANSPARENCY

Auction of patents was a hint that something weird was lying on my crossroads! 

Would Alfred Nobel or Albert Einstein offer their patents on auction to third parties to explore advanced boundaries of knowledge they were wisely carving?

I was suspicious that my American Patent Attorneys partners were feeding such CORRUPT MARKET OF REINVENTION, as they pressured me to sell my patents before quitting the projectMy first issued patent (US Pat. 6,766,817 Jul. 27, 2004) simply became three issued patents for the same invention (US Pat. 6,918,404 Jul. 19, 2005, and 7,066,586 Jun. 27, 2006).

My partners were threatened since I was living in another country, by internet easily I could send thousands of requests of IDS (Information Disclosure Statement) to enforce USPTO to respect SCIENTIFIC LITERATURE and my issued patents. For sure, people behind REINVENTION scheme were making a lot of money by fraud on SCIENCE distorting the intellectual property affairs. There were huge Law Firms just working on patents. Afterwards, huge corporations started to trust only their own lawyers because such deceit easily can end up ugly. Perhaps, they can print the bills, but deceive science is not that tenable.

I am aware that people making lots of money would do ANYTHING to keep profiting, mainly Yankees. They are politicians, corporates, lawyers, academics, etc. 

Selling original ideas to others to explore is one issue, but selling the same idea, OVER AND OVER, playing varied etymology is confusing, even more when it is frauded, ignoring common knowledge plenty on libraries. Humans are not that PERFECT, but ignoring it or covering up, makes it even worse. 



Are they aliens from another dimension bearing a different logical system?

Perhaps another planet having no GRAVITY!

Sometimes people are so stupid that it becomes useless trying to explain and convince them about such shortcomings since there is not enough brain power for such required comprehension. I created a NEW SCIENCE for the future generations as this present one seems to be highly compromised. It is like bearing babies, as there is no option of quitting, canceling, or returning them, not even customer service for complaints. As parents we provide some guidance to ensure their fate, but they come with their DNA tools to get through achieving their own goals. Usually, all kinds of problems humankind faces would mature, develop awareness and some possible solutions may be employed. This last pandemic of Covid-19 was solved fast while other issues may take decades or even centuries. Humans would save themselves when they wanted to. SCIENCE is just the functioning of NATURE, which is in charge since the beginning taking care of everything with specific rules and approach that take a while to realize.

The Conspiracy

Abraham Duncan Stroock

Dept: Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering
Title: Associate Professor


Ph.D., Harvard University, Chemical Physic (2002)
M.S., University Paris VI and XI,Solid State Physics (1997)
B.A. Cornell UniversityPhysics (1995)

De: Abraham Duncan Stroock []
Enviada em: terça-feira, 22 de abril de 2014 22:20
Para: Elson Silva, PhD
Assunto: RE: [06856] Protecting Hydrology Science from REINVENTION by corrupt LAY PEOPLE colluding with USPTO - US Pat 8,701,469

Dear Dr. Silva,
‘...  If you have a point to make about my treatment of hydrological concepts, I ask that you take the time to explain your specific points of disagreement.  I note that my work is better represented in my publications (available at​) than in patentsas the lawyers have been translated the latter into legalese that I do not understand.

Best regards,

De: Elson Silva, PhD []
Enviada em: terça-feira, 22 de abril de 2014 23:40
Para: 'Abraham Duncan Stroock'
Assunto: RES: [06856] Protecting Hydrology Science from REINVENTION by corrupt LAY PEOPLE colluding with USPTO - US Pat 8,701,469
Prioridade: Alta


You are so naive.

‘…Are you sure you got your PhD at Harvard? ‘

Lawyers learn nothing about Hydrology in Law School.

As far as I know no Law School provides Hydrology teaching . . . No Lawyer could discuss Hydrology having no expertise in the subject!

This is funny!
You do not give your scientific papers to Lawyers, so why are your patents different?
(By the way, was it a Lawyer who wrote your PhD thesis?)
Also, Lawyers are illiterate on the functioning of science, besides most scientists have no idea about Epistemology, Metaphysics, Logics, and History of Science (Philosophy of Science).

USPTO is a sham system allowing reinvention sometimes by flawed lazy patents from wealthy parties letting Lawyers step over boundaries beyond their background in Law Schools….’


De: Owen, Steven []
Enviada em: quarta-feira, 5 de outubro de 2011 11:36
Para: Elson Silva, PhD
Assunto: RE: {SPAM?} Protecting Hydrology Science from REINVENTION

Mr. Silva, has anyone ever called you a nutcase

Are people out to get you? 

Are you having some trouble keeping up with your medications?


Steven V. Owen
University Professor Emeritus
Educational Psychology


After 30 years teaching Educational Psychology at the University of Connecticut, Steven V. Owen, Ph.D., became a biostatistician at the University of Texas. After a decade, he retired to Northern California. Dr. Owen has served as evaluator and statistical consultant on more than 50 projects and grants and has authored or coauthored more than 100 publications.

Dr. Owen, my entire life I have been keeping up with this special prescription from Mother Nature:          


This email from an Emeritus Faculty of Educational Psychology provided valuable insights and feedback showing how deep the academic community is compromised on scientific affairs in the US.They were supposed to know that Darcy’s Law on Hydraulic Conductivity is not written in the US constitution, but endorsed by Mother NatureTHE US AS THE FIRST ECONOMIC POWER IN THE WORLD GRABBED TWO-THIRDS (411/621) OF NOBEL PRIZE NOMINATIONS FOR SCIENCE. Exploratory Analysis shows that the American scientific community has been violating Hydrology science in the Patenting System more than a century, leaving a gap huge enough for a new science  Hydrotechnology It seems that working with the Chemistry of explosives is far more profitable than the Hydrology of self-watering flower pots.

It is very likely that that few scientists do understand the meaning of their titles PhD as Philosophy Doctor from Philosophy of Science (Epistemology, Metaphysics, Logics, and History of Science).